Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Quickie" in the car

Wait! Before you jump to conclusions, it is NOT what you think........

So by now you all know that I am taking injectionables as part of my fertility treatment, right? What you may not know is that they have to be taken at a very precise time each evening (giving us only a small window of opportunity to drop what we are doing). This became a bit of a problem for Husband and I Friday evening as we were trying to enjoy a "date night". We were attempting to have a nice romantic dinner and be back home in time to do my injection, but due to a long wait at the restaurant, I quickly realized we would not be home in time. Luckily, I had brought everything for my injection in case we had to do it before we returned to the house.

In a very awkward conversation, I explained to the hostess that Husband and I were going to run out to the car and asked for her to hold our table. Of course she looked at me as if I was crazy! So to avoid any further weird looks I explained the situation to her (I have to take shots at a certain time each night) and she very kindly agreed to hold our table. Husband and I rushed out to our car, I had to lay in the backseat and Husband quickly gave me my "shot".

From there I can only imagine what went through people's heads as in the middle of a VERY BUSY parking lot, Husband and I left the backseat of a car, with me pulling my top into place! I was very embarassed, but what else was I going to do? I was definitely not going to waste this whole month's worth of treatment just because of a long wait at a restaurant!

I guess this will just be another interesting story to look back on once this is all over!



Anonymous said...

Aww I'm glad the lady was so kind! You are brave. I'm not sure I would have had the guts to tell her I had to go out to the parking lot for a shot! We did end up one evening having to do my shots in the parking lot by the light of a parking lot light. Good memories. :)

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh this is so funny! Gotta do what ya gotta do right?? lol

Ashley said...

Awesome story! I wish I could have seen the faces on the people in the parking lot HA! Thanks for sharing.

Jess said...

How funny!!!! Infertility brings some very embarrassing moments!!

Ashley said...

That's a great story!

California Wife said...

Too funny! You'll definitely be able to look back on that someday, laugh and realize how much it was all worth it!!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...
