I know, I know, I probably should have thought about this say....a couple months ago when I first planned this trip, but for some reason I kept telling myself I had plenty of time- that is until I woke up this morning and realized its less than a week away! I have been trying to stick with my running pact I posted several weeks back, but lets be honest: lately I have been slacking a bit. I did go for a run this morning and will try to get several more in before I leave.
I know this sounds silly, but seriously- I am going to be in LA and Las Vegas! Its like a rule that you have to look beautiful there! And honestly, with all the hormone treatments I have been through lately, I feel like I have not been my normal self. Between my face breaking out and adding some extra pounds in the thigh/behind area I feel like I am going through an "ugly" phase- yes, even I realize how ridiculous that sounds. Husband has been very quick to point out that those type of comments that I have been making around the house lately are stupid :)
I am sure I will feel much better after a shopping trip this week :) Wish me luck on keeping up with my running!
Im so jealous! and Im pretty sure you could gain about 100 pounds and still be skinny! but I dont think that you have gained weight or been breaking out. Your gorgeous! And good luck with the running haha maybe we can start running together when the husbands go to the gym.
Good luck with the running... and the shopping! :) I am so jealous of your trip-- have fun!!
Your going to have a great time! We still have to talk before you go and I can tell you all the fun places to go :)
oooh a fun trip! how lovely :)
I hope you get out of your rut soon. You look beautiful in the pictures you've been posting! Hope you have a wonderful trip :)
Yayy, have so much fun! Let me know if you need any tips, I'm from L.A. and go to Vegas all the time :-)
Have a wonderful trip. You will make all the people in LA and Vegas jealous.
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