Friday, December 31, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Recap

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Send Some Love to Taylor!
I know most of you are already friends with and follow Taylor's blog at The Undomestic Momma, BUT if you dont or if you havent visited her page recently please go send her some love and prayers! She is going through a lot right now and I cannot tell you what a wonderful, strong woman she is! Most of you already know that from reading her blog, but I am lucky enough to be friends with her in my everyday life (outside of blogging) and she is just as sweet, funny and kind in person!
I wont go into details here- I'll let you go to her page and read all about it in case you haven't already :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Gone for some retail therapy........
I had another appointment this morning (at 7 am- yuck!) and it seems this cycle of treatment will likely be a bust. I am not even sure we will be able to try an IUI this time. Instead of growing follicles- my ovaries somehow got it backwards and have now decided to start shrinking them! Yes shrinking!! I did not even know that was possible- especially considering I have been injecting meds into my body to speed up the growing process!! The doctor is supposed to call me later today to let me know what our game plan from here will be- but I knew it wasnt a good sign when all the nurses I encountered were scratching their heads trying to figure out what to tell me! It seems I have become some sort of science experiment because every time we try something with treatment my body does the exact opposite of what it should do! I think I have now stumped everyone in my specialist's office!
So with that being said, Husband has been instructed to take me on a very nice date night tonight and in the meantime I will be making best friends with our ATM card :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wedding Bells and Sonograms!
One of my besties got married this weekend and both Husband and I were in the wedding- it was here in Dallas, so it was nice to get away for 2 days, but not have to actually worry about traveling.
The wedding extravaganza started Friday evening with the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The dinner was held at a nice steakhouse in downtown and we enjoyed some yummy steak, potatoes, cheesecake and creme brulee!
Me and Husband in the limo on the way to the reception- yes, my eyes looked HUGE all night, thanks to some fake lashes (not sure if that was a good thing or bad thing)
Having some fun at the reception :)
My weekend then ended with a very early doctor appointment Sunday morning. The good news is that the sonogram was neither good nor bad. This is what we saw:
If you look carefully in the upper left corner you will see that the tech noted that there are 17 follicles they are watching- yes, 17! And this is only on one ovary- there were about 20 on the other side. While this may sound like wonderful news, it can actually end up being bad at some point. Here's our dilemma: without the injections I do not ovulate at all on my own, but with the injections we end up with 20 follicles per ovary that start to grow- which is not safe. Not to mention I would prefer to not be the next celebrity mom for having 20+ kids!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
We Got The All Clear :)
After receiving the good news, Husband and I enjoyed a fun day together:
We had lunch, grabbed some ice cream......
......and finished off with some shopping at Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack :)
Our next doctor appointment is bright and early on Sunday!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Yep, Im Back.......and here's what happened:
Im off to read your blogs- I have missed you all! :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday!
Geez, its been a couple weeks since I last did Top 2 Tuesday! I am excited to finally join back in again! This weeks topic is Top 2 Favorite Jobs:
1) My current job (which I have briefly talked about before): working in a dental office

I know, cheese-y picture, but it made me smile :) 3 days a week I spend my time with the most wonderful people! I work in a family run dental practice and help with all aspects of the front office/business needs: filing insurance claims and payments, going through accounts, scheduling patients, helping with any events, etc. This job is so different from anything that I have ever done before and I would have never guessed that I would end up in the dental field (I had my eyes set on the fashion industry!!), but I would not trade it for anything! I love having 4 days off each week (for shopping!) and love my work family!
2) The job I sometimes miss: before joining the "dental world" I used to spend my days working here:
Yes, I worked at my favorite store (and the 2nd love in my life, after Husband!). I used to sleep, eat and breathe everything Nordstrom! For almost 3 years I was able to shop as part of my job and eventually I ended up becoming an Assistant Manager for women's clothing in their largest Dallas location. This job was amazing: each day I got emails on the latest trends, discussed issues with buyers, went shopping throughout the mall to scope out the competition, and got to decide where the all the merchandise was placed. The ONLY downfall with this job was the amount of hours required as one of the managers- when I would come home at the end of the day, work came with me. I would end up making schedules and putting together spreadsheets on my days off and that was after already putting in 50 hour work weeks. I ended up giving up my dream of moving up the ladder to Buyer so that Husband and I could start a family (which we are still working on......). Leaving this job was one of the hardest decisions, but there is nothing more important to me right now than starting a family.
Link up at Taylor's blog so I can read about all of your favorite jobs!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ahead!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Fun Times at the Farm!
My grandma, aunt, cousin and I all took a girls road trip to my uncles farm in Arkansas this past weekend for some time to relax and enjoy ourselves. It was the most perfect trip and just what I needed- I just wish we could have stayed even longer!!
I started my morning off with what I called my "farm breakfast": barley, cream, walnuts and fresh raspberries! I didnt even realize you could eat barley, but it was delicious!
Our first day there, my cousin and I realized we were dressed alike :) (Notice the guns on the wall in the background)
Each morning, dressed in our pajamas and sweatshirts and holding our cups of coffee, we would go out to see all of the animals:
Then head on over to the horses:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Our Very Hard Decision.......
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Weekend and Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone has a wonderful AND SAFE! weekend!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What I've Been Up To.........
My entire weekend consisted of putting together THE PERFECT wedding shower and bachelorette party for one of my besties! They both turned out to be a huge success and I, of course, have to share the pics with all of you!
I didnt get too many pictures from the wedding shower because most of the time I was running around playing hostess, but here are some of the pretty decorations:
Picture of the groom and bride with some beautiful flowers
The adorable cupcakes I ordered for the shower
The beautiful bride and me
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 12 and the Weekend!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Something You're Afraid of........
Here are some of the things that scare me:


....basically any kind of bug- I cant kill them either when I find one in the house. Last night I found a cricket in the kitchen- I tried forever to get the dogs to kill it for me, but they werent interested in it at all. So instead I ended up putting a cup over it and waiting for Husband to get home :)
People touching my neck- I know, its very weird. I cannot stand people touching my neck! Whenever I watch a scary movie I have to wrap my hands around my neck to "protect" it. And when I go to sleep at night I pull the blankets up around my neck so that it is covered and "protected" while I sleep.
The dark. Yep, I still act like a 5 year old if all the lights are out. I go into full panic mode if I am ever trapped in a dark room- which Husband thinks is funny to do sometimes.
Small spaces. Especially if other people are in them- aka elevators. I get very claustrophobic in these type of places.
So, yes, I am a big fat scared-y cat (or however you spell it). I also get scared when I am home alone and the list goes on and on, but I will just leave it with the ones above.
Go to Katie's blog to link up and play along in the blogger challange!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 8
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Days 6 and 7
My sweet little family:

Day 7 is all about Your Favorite Movie- I dont have just one movie that is my favorite, but here are the ones that I can continue to watch over and over and still love every single time: