Sunday, October 17, 2010

Days 6 and 7

Oops! I didnt get a chance to post yesterday, so here is Day 6: a picture that makes you happy......

My sweet little family:

We are just missing a "little one" to make us complete!

Day 7 is all about Your Favorite Movie- I dont have just one movie that is my favorite, but here are the ones that I can continue to watch over and over and still love every single time:

I still have to watch Elf every holiday season and it still makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it!
I am looking forward to reading everyone's answers for the 30 Day Blogger Challange!


Neely said...

LOVE ACTUALLY! Best movie! Love it!

Sarah said...

I love the picture and all of these movies are the bomb!

Lindsay said...

Your family is gorgeous Cait! Love the pic of the dogs. CHRISTMAS CARD! :)

Aly @ Analyze This said...

OMG! I looooove Elf!!!

Nicole said...

Just the mention of Elf makes me excited for the holidays! You've got such a cute blog!

Mama B said...

Love the family picture...adorable! And, Elf is also one of my absolute favorite Christmas movies! I must watch it about a million times every year. LOVE it. :)

Unknown said...

Love The Notebook. Such a sweet movie.

Molly said...

I HEART The Notebook, seriously! Cried my eyes out during that movie, I totally should have put it on my list!

I think I'm the ONLY person alive that does not like Elf (don't hold it against me, ha)! ;)

Caroline said...

Love that picture of y'all. SO cute!!! And I LOVE all of those movies! Hope you had a great weekend!

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I cannot wait for it to be closer to Christmas and I can watch all of the Christmas movies like Elf and Home ALone!

Tami said...

I have to agree on Pretty Woman and The Notebook. They are definitely in my top 10! Your family is so sweet and I'll keep y'all in my prayers that you get that little one that you're waiting for!

Ashley said...

Love your cute family picture! So sweet!

I love that you picked Elf as one of your favorite movies! It is one of my Christmas favorites. Love quoting it!

Jessica said...

I LOVE the Notebook...cry every time!