Friday, December 10, 2010

Gone for some retail therapy........

So, I officially sound like a broken record :( Every month we go through the same cycle: start treatment, get our hopes up, go to daily doctor appointments, encounter lots of needles, get the bad news, then Cait does a lot of shopping. Well, we are at the shopping part right about now........

I had another appointment this morning (at 7 am- yuck!) and it seems this cycle of treatment will likely be a bust. I am not even sure we will be able to try an IUI this time. Instead of growing follicles- my ovaries somehow got it backwards and have now decided to start shrinking them! Yes shrinking!! I did not even know that was possible- especially considering I have been injecting meds into my body to speed up the growing process!! The doctor is supposed to call me later today to let me know what our game plan from here will be- but I knew it wasnt a good sign when all the nurses I encountered were scratching their heads trying to figure out what to tell me! It seems I have become some sort of science experiment because every time we try something with treatment my body does the exact opposite of what it should do! I think I have now stumped everyone in my specialist's office!

So with that being said, Husband has been instructed to take me on a very nice date night tonight and in the meantime I will be making best friends with our ATM card :)


Meant to be a mom said...

I'm so sorry that this cycle won't be happening. I know how irritating that is. I agree with you though 100% that retail therapy is the only thing that could possibly bring you up for a bit :) Gotta love shopping.
I hope you have a nice day, and date night with your hubs. I'm praying for you guys, I just know that your time is coming and that baby is being made up in heaven right now. Its only a matter of time.

Ashley said...

Oh, Cait, I'm sorry you guys got bad news again! :( I'm praying for yall!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

ugh! that does sound irritating....shrinking? while out shopping have a good talk w/those little suckers!

grab a starbucks and shop away!

Lindsay said...

That is such sad news! I was really hoping for better news for you guys!! Go shop till you drop! Hope you have a good weekend! xo

J and A said...

Ah I'm sorry. I wish you got better news. Have a great date and enjoy your shopping trip. :)Thinking of you.

Lauren said...

I'm sorry this cycle seems like a bust :( Holding out hope for you for the next cycle!

Unknown said...

So sorry, wish you had gotten better news!

D said...

Hang in there! My bf's sister & her husband went through this for almost two yrs & two weeks ago she gave birth to their beautiful daughter. It will all work out!

Lori said...

I'm so sorry. I really hope it turns around for you and BAM! you're knocked up. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Show us what you buy! :)

Jess said...

I am sorry that your body is not cooperating. Buy yourself something pretty! You deserve it! And we wanna see pics of whatever you get, too! =)

Caroline said...

Prayers for you. Maybe the date night and retail therapy will help get your mind off of all of this (I know it's hard).

Lindsay said...

Shopping sounds like a great cure all :)