Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Since its been a while (a couple of weeks) and I have some new followers since my last "baby-related" post, I thought I would give you all a quick update on our current status and whats to come! No, I haven't forgotten why I created this blog or what I devoted it to (making Baby Hill), but we have been at a stand-still the last couple of weeks so that I could go through a birth control pack. I still have a little over a week left on The Pill and then we can FINALLY move forward with another round of treatment. So, if you have been as anxious as I have been these last couple of weeks for some new news, then hopefully we will hear something by the end of next week. I am hoping to get some more pictures of the injections again, so look forward to those coming your way once all the maddness starts over again!

Another update: my new blog design is still coming along- and so far it looks GREAT! I am sooooo excited and cant wait to show you all! I would love to think of a fun way to reveal my new blog design (like maybe once I hit 100 followers???), but we will have to wait and see when it is complete. Who knows- maybe I will have some exciting Baby News to share- wouldnt that be the perfect transition!?!?! Only time will tell........



The Undomestic Mom said...

IM ANXIOUS!!!!!!! me and Ben were at Buy Buy Baby the other day and both said we cant wait to buy stuff for baby Hill! and I cant wait to see you new blog design :)

Mama B said...

SO excited for you and your next round of treatment! I'm definitely keeping my fingers/toes crossed that this is IT. :)

And, I can't wait to see the new design! New blog reveals are always so fun!

Lori said...

Can't wait to see the blog design! You are getting close to 100 :)

And am crossing my fingers for you with the fertility treatments!

Jennifer said...

I am thinking about you as you start your next round of treatment and I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

Lindsay said...

Praying for you girl! Can't wait to see the new blog design! :)