Sunday, August 1, 2010

Top 2 and a Couple Family Pics

This weeks topic for Top 2 Tuesday at The Undomestic Momma is: Simple Pleasures!

1. Summer! I LOOOOOVE summer! I feel like I am automatically always in a better mood during the summer- I think its the combination of warm weather and super cute sundresses :) I get cold super easy so you can imagine how miserable I am during winter- not to mention I HATE big, bulky sweaters! So its either freeze my butt off wearing something semi-comfortable, or look horrible in a big sweater while trying to stay warm!

2. Going on walks with my family. When the weather outside is nice, Husband and I will take our dogs on walks quite often. Its so nice to just spend that "down-time" together with our "babies" :)

Others that made the list: a glass of wine after a long day, game nights with friends, random "i love you" texts from Husband, and ice cream before bed!

Over the weekend, some of my family got together to celebrate one of my cousin's birthdays. We had quite a good time and took some pictures, so I thought I would share a couple here:

Me with my aunts:

Me and my grandmother:

And me with my beautiful cousins (the one on the far left is the birthday girl!)

Hope everyone had a happy weekend!


Jennifer said...

I love your picks!! Random "I love you" texts are awesome!!

Lindsay said...

What cute pictures!! Love your dress! I love walks too! That would have to be my third choice!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Family photos are just the best -- document it all!

Unknown said...

Great picks! I love summer too and walks with the hubs.

Miss Chelsea said...

Long walks with loved ones are always great!

Britt @ The Adventures of Josh and Britt said...

I agree with you about family walks! Cute blog :)

The Undomestic Mom said...

love your picks! and cute pics! I love your dress!

Sarah said...

Cute pictures! I love all the outfits! I am a new follower too I'm glad I found your blog! Good Luck with your get fit goal! You can do it! :]